The Institute for Music Leadership creates career and leadership development opportunities for musicians on and off the stage.
Dear Kristijan,
Welcome to the first edition of the Institute for Music Leadership’s (IML) newsletter! Every semester, we aim to provide you with news, events, and ways to engage with our team and student body. Below, we invite you to discover the impact that the IML is having on Eastman students and music learners of all ages.
In addition, we welcome hearing from you! If you have an update, an idea, or a question you’d like to connect with us about, please know that our door is always open! Please message us anytime at
Warmest wishes,
Rachel Roberts
Director, ESM Strategic Initiatives Director, Institute for Music Leadership Associate Professor, Music Leadership
The Master of Arts in Music Leadership was one of four Eastman programs that were recognized as being top in the nation for supporting musicians in careers in an “increasingly complex music industry.”
This fall, the IML collaborated with the University’s Ain Center in a business proposal competition, where teams of undergraduate and graduate University of Rochester students collaborated to design creative solutions. Along with the UR's NSF grant team (where IML is a co-PI), the IML team challenged students to use Generative AI to solve problems within content creation. Members from the IML team served as judges and mentors throughout the day. Five teams participated in the all-day experience, with cash prizes being award for first and second place.
The IML and the Paul R. Judy Center for Innovation and Research were proud sponsors of the inaugural Context Conference, produced by Eastman’s Dr. Crystal Sellers Battle, Director of the George Walker Center for Equity and Inclusion in Music and Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion. Additionally, the IML received an Impact Grant from the music fraternity Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) to support a panel on “Women in Leadership: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.”
IML Historical Reports and Outcomes
Since the 2022 Meliora Weekend festivities that celebrated multiple IML milestones, we’ve continued to research and document the major developments and evolution of IML. After months of gathering 25 years of programs, partners, grant-winners, faculty members, and certificate and degree-earners, we’re pleased to share two newly published documents:
A 25-Year Retrospective – To celebrate 25 years of remarkable achievements, we are pleased to present this retrospective report. It documents the visionary journey of IML, which has played a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape in music by embracing the entrepreneurial spirit that underlies musical excellence.
2022-2023 Annual Report– This report offers a glimpse into the curricular growth, student engagement, professional development programs, and research we have supported beyond the conclusion of the 25-Year Retrospective. We plan to release these reports annually, so be sure to check in over the summer for updates on our 2023-2024 outcomes!
Register Now
Music, Law, and AI Symposium: February 21 & 28 The IML is hosting a two-part Music, Law, and AI online symposium. The first, held on Wednesday, February 21 from 12:00-2:00PM EST, will focus on exploring generative AI for Music. The second, held on Wednesday, February 28 from 3:00-5:00PM EST, will focus on exploring legal and ethical considerations between music and AI. Both sessions are free, though registration is required. Learn more and register here.
Eastman Leadership Academy: for Emerging Professionals | Due March 31 From June 3-7, rising juniors, seniors, and graduate students will take a deep dive into leadership and entrepreneurship through immersive, interactive, and participatory workshops and learning activities. Thanks to a generous sponsorship from Yamaha, admitted students will receive a full-tuition scholarship.
Eastman Leadership Bootcamp: for Advancing Leaders | Due March 1 From June 24-28, musicians will receive an intensive series of interactive workshops and case studies, to gain a unique set of skills, techniques, and knowledge that will enhance your career and grow as a leader.
Want to mentor a musician? Alumni can take part in the University Mentorship Program, where they are paired with a current Eastman student or young alum. Over the course of three months, you can support these young professionals as they navigate careers, projects, and more. Log into The Meliora Collective and complete the Mentoring Program registration by February 10, 2024.
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