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False Flags & Agents Provocateurs
The world we inhabit is a dangerous place. From common criminals to hostile regimes, threats and enemies (foreign and domestic) abound. Human history will dispose the prudent man to protect himself, his family, his community, and his nation not only against robbers, murderers, thieves, and thugs, but also against potential invading armies and their spies and fifth columns. Thus, as well as arming ourselves, we also establish sheriff’s and police departments, militias, and military forces. And to provide guidance and early threat warning to these protectors, we establish intelligence agencies and intel units within police and military forces.
Intelligence services have been deemed essential from time immemorial. We read in the Bible (Numbers 13:1-31) that Moses sent 12 spies (one from each Israelite tribe) into Canaan to scout the land and report on its inhabitants. Later we read that Joshua sent spies into Jericho before the Israelites attacked the heavily fortified city (Joshua 2:1). The Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Aztecan, and Mongolian empires all had extensive intelligence networks. Sun Tzu, China’s famed military strategist of the fourth century B.C., wrote in The Art of War of the absolute necessity of reliable spies for victory in battle.
Without sound intelligence, even the most powerful of kingdoms is like the blinded Samson, the Hercules of the Old Testament. In Milton’s Samson Agonistes, the chained strongman bewails his plight:
O loss of sight, of thee I most complain! Blind among enemies, O worse than chains, Dungeon, or beggery, or decrepit age!
Confederate General Robert E. Lee must have identified with Samson during his stinging defeat at Gettysburg, where he was left blind by the absence of General Jeb Stuart’s cavalry, which he regarded as his “eyes and ears.”
However, if intel services are essential, they are also perilous. The maxim attributed to George Washington that government is “force,” and that “like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master,” applies in spades to military, police, and intelligence services. As the Romans learned (repeatedly), the Praetorian Guard, an elite military-police-intelligence unit, turned out to be as much a danger to the republic as it was a defender. The Praetorians were ever at the center of coups, conspiracies, and assassinations. They would play key roles in Rome’s civil wars, as history shows in the Year of the Four Emperors (69 A.D.), the Year of the Five Emperors (193 A.D.), and the Year of the Six Emperors (238 A.D.). In 193, the Praetorians were involved in the assassination of Emperor Commodus (famously portrayed in the movie Gladiator by Joaquin Phoenix), and 87 days later killed his successor, Emperor Pertinax. They then auctioned off the imperial title to the highest bidder, Didius Julianus, who was killed 66 days later.
From Cheka to KGB, FSB, MI6, CIA
In the past century, modern intelligence communities have grown into globe-straddling apparatuses that dwarf in scope and nature the cloak-and-dagger escapades of ancient Rome. In addition to the traditional espionage, palace intrigues, coups, and assassinations, they have become masters of psychological warfare, propaganda, disinformation, mass surveillance, social engineering, and more.
With the triumph of Lenin’s Bolsheviks in 1917, the world was about to experience the depths of demonic totalitarianism. “We stand for organized terror — this should be frankly admitted.” So declared “Iron Felix” Dzerzhinsky, ruthless head of the dreaded Cheka that would terrorize Russia with mass arrests, torture, and executions. The Cheka and its successors (OGPU, NKVD, NKGB, KGB, FSB), and its Soviet military intelligence counterpart, the GRU, did not limit their activities to Russia; they quickly spread their communist network across the planet.
One of the Cheka’s most notable accomplishments, which pertains to our topic here, was its wildly successful “Operation Trust” (aka “The Trust”), a grandiose false-flag operation that ran from 1921 to 1925. A false-flag operation is a strategic deception that is frequently used by governments in which their agents carry out violent and/or criminal acts while disguised as foreign adversaries or internal opponents. The purpose might be to cause incidents that could be used to falsely justify going to war against the foreign power that has been framed with a bogus, dastardly act; or the objective might be to discredit domestic political opposition to falsely justify arresting, prosecuting, imprisoning, or (in the extreme) executing them.
In 1921, the fledgling Bolshevik dictatorship was facing widespread resistance. Its brutal rule inflamed opposition from all Russian strata — peasants, proletariat, bourgeoisie, soldiers, aristocrats — as well as from Russian émigrés and their sympathizers throughout Europe and America. The Trust strategy involved inventing a fake anti-Bolshevik underground called the Monarchist Organization of Central Russia (MOTsR) that carried out elaborate sham operations against the communists’ police and military bases. By making it appear that MOTsR was a huge anti-communist organization that had penetrated all levels of the Bolshevik regime, the Cheka was able to lure opposition inside and outside Russia into their clutches and exterminate them.
Western nations, particularly Great Britain and America, followed suit, developing intelligence agencies that have gradually morphed into entities that have increasingly adopted the methods of the Soviet enemy they were ostensibly founded to oppose. The British domestic and foreign intel units — MI5 and MI6, respectively — and their U.S. counterparts, the FBI and CIA, are joined by an additional 15 U.S. intelligence agencies, including such massive organizations as the National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, and National Reconnaissance Office. That should make us totally safe, right? Oh, if only that were true. To the contrary, it is becoming increasingly apparent that we are being trapped inside an Orwellian Big Brother surveillance state.
More and more, rather than protecting our freedoms and our constitutional Republic, the “intelligence community” (IC) seems to be serving what has come to be called the Deep State — our unelected, permanent shadow government that inexorably concentrates and centralizes power, whether the institutional levers of power are under titular Democratic or Republican control. Totalitarian states such as the Soviet Union and Communist China have an obvious advantage when it comes to false-flag operations and propagating their phony narratives, since they own and rigidly control the media and means of communication and ruthlessly suppress all reports and opinions that deviate from the Party line. In the United States and Europe, the globalist elites, as represented by the Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council of Councils, Trilateral Commission, and World Economic Forum, have, over the past century, gradually acquired near-complete control of the legacy Fake News media, while their members have been placed in charge of the military, police, and intelligence services. To this can be added tech and social-media platforms such as Google, YouTube, and Facebook. The globalist elites do not yet hold the unbounded power of the Russian KGB/FSB or the Chinese Ministry of State Security, but they’re working on it! Thus their efforts to gain complete censorship power over the internet to “protect” us from politically incorrect “disinformation” emanating from sources label-lynched as “right-wing extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “fascists,” “racists,” “white nationalists,” etc.
To gain absolute power, the Deep State megalomaniacs must keep us agitated and fearful through contrived emergencies, crises, wars, near-wars, riots, and insurrections. The January 6, 2021 Capitol “insurrection” and the official campaign of vicious lawfare that has followed in its wake have awakened millions of Americans to the frightening reality of the transformation of our IC from protector to oppressor. It’s important to realize that this didn’t happen overnight; it has been a slow-motion process that has been methodically implemented over decades. It’s equally important that Americans become “street savvy” to false-flag operations so that we are not victimized and manipulated by them.
These operations have been used by the intelligence agencies of communist states as well as Western “democracies” to discredit conservatives as racist and antisemitic and to justify more restrictions on freedom in the name of combating extremism and terrorism. In the space we have available here, we can present but a fraction of the many examples of these operations. Not all our examples have been absolutely proven, since in many cases much of the evidence remains sealed. However, going from history and a close examination of the available evidence — including the motive, opportunity, and means — rational, reasonable people can add 2 and 2 and arrive at 4.
The January 6 “Fedsurrection”
East Germany — Stasi’s “Nazis”
As the Cold War kicked off following World War II, Communist East Germany’s secret police (the Stasi) and their Soviet overlords began a decades-long campaign to disrupt and discredit West Germany with neo-Nazi provocations. In addition to pro-Hitler demonstrations, they sent agents to deface Jewish cemeteries and synagogues with swastikas, and to engage in high-profile assassinations and bombings. While the Stasi-Nazi connections were long suspected, many were not confirmed until the release of Stasi files in the 1990s. Here are a few of the Stasi false flags:
Adolf Eichmann trial — During the 1961 trial of the notorious Nazi SS commander Adolf Eichmann, the Stasi channeled money to West Germany to fund groups publicly supporting Eichmann. Together with a swastika-graffiti campaign and vicious anti-Jew rhetoric, the pro-Eichmann publicity was used to portray Germany as still incorrigibly pro-Nazi.
Benno Ohnesorg murder — On June 2, 1967, student demonstrator Benno Ohnesorg was shot dead by a West Berlin policeman, Karl-Heinz Kurras. Ohnesorg was Germany’s equivalent of George Floyd. The shooting and the two subsequent trials in which Kurras was acquitted led to riots and radicalization of students. It was mayhem made to order for the communists. Kurras had been a top Stasi agent inside the West Berlin police since 1955.
Socialist Reich Party — Major General Otto Ernst Remer, who had served as Adolf Hitler’s bodyguard, founded Germany’s neo-Nazi Socialist Reich Party (SRP) in 1949. Shortly before his death in 1997, Remer admitted to SRP funding by the Stasi and that his neo-Nazi activists were trained by the Soviets.
Odfried Hepp — During the 1970s and ’80s, the violent activities of the neo-Nazi Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann (Hoffmann Military Sports Group) caught global attention. The “right-wing” group was an arm of the Stasi. The most notorious of its members was terrorist bomber Odfried Hepp, who teamed up with the Palestine Liberation Front of Achille Lauro hijacking/murder infamy. Hepp escaped arrest and fled to East Berlin, where the Stasi provided him with a new identity.
West Germany — BfV’s “Nazis”
The communist Stasi’s motive for promoting neo-Nazis in the West makes perfect sense. But why would West Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV) do the same thing? The BfV is Germany’s federal domestic intelligence agency, responsible for protecting the country’s internal security from subversives and foreign agents. However, like our own intelligence agencies, it has repeatedly been exposed promoting violence and subversion.
Wolfgang Frenz — A founder of Germany’s neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD), Frenz was from 1961 to 1995 a paid undercover operative for the BfV. According to his own account, he received 1.6 million marks from the government. However, rather than “protecting the constitution,” as the BfV is tasked to do, Frenz was undermining it at the BfV’s direction.
Udo Holtmann — A member of the NPD executive board, Holtmann was also publisher of the NPD’s Deutsche Stimme,which printed many of Frenz’s racist and incendiary rants. It turns out he was a BfV operative for 24 years. Ditto for other NPD leaders. They provided the pretext for the “hate crime” and “hate speech” legislation that attacks the freedom and rights of all Germans.
Tino Brandt — A founder of the group Thuringia Homeland Protection, Brandt was one of the most notorious of Germany’s neo-Nazis in the 1990s and early 2000s. During this time, he was also a BfV agent (a “V-man”) and was repeatedly protected by the agency. Brandt, a flaming homosexual and pedophile, was finally convicted of 66 cases of child prostitution and sexual abuse of children and young people, and sentenced to five years in prison.
FBI — OKC, WTC, 9/11, J6
Andreas Strassmeir — The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, killed 168 people (including 19 children) and injured hundreds more. Despite originally citing a John Doe and “others unknown” as co-conspirators with Timothy McVeigh, Bill Clinton’s Department of Justice and FBI settled on McVeigh as a lone bomber, with minor help from Terry Nichols. However, considerable evidence from extensive investigations by The New American suggested that Andreas Strassmeir, a German military/intelligence asset who was in the United States illegally, was involved in the bombing. The evidence included: 1) Federal ATF undercover informant Carol Howe, who testified that she accompanied Strassmeir to surveil the Murrah Building prior to the bombing; 2) Strassmeir’s illegal training of residents of the rural Oklahoma encampment known as “Elohim City” in firearms and explosives; 3) Strassmeir’s admission that he knew McVeigh; 4) McVeigh’s phone call to Elohim City for Strassmeir immediately after renting the Ryder truck used for the bombing; and much more. While claiming to be scouring the earth for co-conspirators, the FBI intentionally ignored Strassmeir, allowing him to slip across the border into Mexico and back to Germany.
Dennis Mahon — A former leader of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Aryan Resistance, Mahon is a notorious racist and neo-Nazi. He was also an admitted acquaintance of Timothy McVeigh, a close associate of Strassmeir, and a regular visitor to Elohim City. According to ATF informant Carol Howe, Mahon accompanied her and Strassmeir to scope out the Murrah Building for the bombing. ATF/FBI records show that Mahon had previously detonated a large bomb of the type used at the Murrah Building, whereas McVeigh and Nichols had not. Long before the OKC bombing, Mahon was suspected of being a protected federal informant due to repeated escapes from prosecution while his confederates were sent to prison. In 2012, Mahon was convicted for the mail bombing of an official in Scottsdale, Arizona, and sentenced to 40 years in prison.
Aryan Republican Army (ARA) — The six members of ARA (also known as the Midwest Bank Robbers for a series of 22 bank robberies carried out from 1992 to 1996) were regular visitors to and inhabitants of Elohim City. Evidence suggests the ARA provided funds to Timothy McVeigh. In 2003, Danny Defenbaugh, the FBI agent in charge of the Oklahoma City bombing investigation, told John Solomon of The Associated Press that during his OKC probe he was unaware of a McVeigh-ARA-Elohim City connection. He claimed to have only learned of that connection after he retired, and said if he were still in the FBI he would reopen the investigation. His claim is ludicrous, however, because this magazine repeatedly exposed the ARA-Elohim-McVeigh ties and tried to get the FBI to investigate. Besides, as we also reported, federal officials later acknowledged in court documents that Elohim City founder and patriarch Robert Millar was a longtime FBI informant, including during the time of the bombing and its “investigation.”
Ali Mohamed — A top operative in al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah terrorist groups, Egyptian army officer Ali Mohamed also worked for the FBI, the U.S. Army Special Forces, and (most likely) the CIA. Over the course of a decade and a half he was permitted to train terrorists and carry out terror attacks under the protection of U.S. government officials. He trained the terrorists for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed five people and injured more than 1,000, and the deadly 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. He also served as a personal bodyguard for Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden. This incredible story was told in the explosive 2006 exposé Triple Cross by award-winning ABC reporter Peter Lance.
Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — Amazingly, Ali Mohamed was also a key asset with Ramzi Yousef (mastermind of the 1993 WTC bombing) and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (mastermind of the 9/11 attacks). All three of these individuals are also implicated in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing via Terry Nichols and his connections to Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, as well as via the 9/11 terrorist hijackers who were trained in Oklahoma. The repeated “mistakes” by DOJ/FBI higher-ups in protecting these individuals in disregard of the urgent warnings of their own field agents defies all explanations short of treason.
Ray Epps&J6 Fed-surrection — In the immediate aftermath of the so-called insurrection of January 6, 2021, the FBI released a “wanted” poster for those involved in “violence at the United States Capitol.” Prominent among those pictured was Ray Epps, who could be seen in videos on January 5 and 6 stirring up the crowd to “go into the Capitol.” His actions smacked so much of being a federal agent provocateur that members of the crowd can be seen on video pointing to him and yelling “Fed! Fed! Fed!” In a text message to his nephew, Epps boasted of his January 6 actions, saying, “I was in the front with a few others. I orchestrated it.” Yet, amazingly, after alternative media, such as Revolver News,made an issue of Epps’ provocations, the FBI dropped him from their list of “wanted” suspects without explanation. All of a sudden, Epps became a hero of The New York Times and The Washington Post (favorite conduits of the FBI/CIA) and a star witness for the Nancy Pelosi/Liz Cheney sham January 6 Committee. Finally, after members of Congress continued to make an issue of Epps, the Biden/Harris DOJ decided to indict him on a one-count misdemeanor charge of “disorderly conduct in a restricted area.” No inciting insurrection. No felony obstruction. No civil disorderly conduct. No trespassing. Typical of Merrick Garland’s DOJ sweetheart deals (think Hunter Biden), Epps was sentenced to one year of probation, 100 hours of community service, and $500 restitution. Meanwhile, peaceful tourists who were escorted into the Capitol by police are still rotting in jail. Agent provocateur? The evidence and the DOJ/FBI treatment point to no other reasonable conclusion.
More Fed-surrectionists — Still unexplained is the glaring disinterest of Christopher Wray’s FBI in the many additional unidentified Epps-type individuals who played leadership roles in the J6 Capitol melee. Players identified as “NW Scaffold Commander” and “Fence Cutter Bulwark,” for instance, remain at large, while DOJ/FBI sends SWAT brigades to terrorize grandmas. According to Representative Clay Higgins (R-La.), a former sheriff, his investigation indicates that there may have been as many as 200 federal agents at the J6 event, with many acting as agents provocateurs. The DOJ, he says, is still refusing to release important video and photo evidence. And Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland have repeatedly dodged congressional questions about fed involvement.
On It Goes: Manufacturing Threats
In October 2020, scant weeks ahead of the presidential election, the FBI scored the sensational arrest of 13 men for plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. This was, trumpeted the media, another example of Trump’s MAGA rhetoric promoting violent action. However, when the case made it to court, we learned not only that most of the plot participants were FBI agents and informants, but also that the feds had scripted, directed, and paid for the whole thing. Moreover, they pushed and prodded the reluctant “perpetrators.” In other words, there would have been no plot without the FBI. Interestingly, the FBI agent in charge of cooking up the fake Whitmer kidnapping plot, Steven D’Antuono, was then put in charge of Washington, D.C., office, just in time for the fake Capitol insurrection.
FBI “October Surprise”: The “militia plot” to kidnap Michigan’s left-wing Governor Gretchen Whitmer, given sensational media coverage before the 2020 presidential election, turned out to be a huge FBI entrapment false flag.
On August 1, 2024, Wired magazine carried an extensive report on Joshua Caleb Sutter, a neo-Nazi Satanist and an infamous publisher and promoter of vile and violent child sexual abuse. According to Wired, court documents show Sutter has been an FBI operative for nearly 20 years.
The proof continues to pile up that virtually every “neo-Nazi,” “fascist,” “racist,” and “jihadist” group of any significance is thoroughly infiltrated — if not outright organized and controlled — by the FBI or other federal intel agencies. While intelligence services are necessary for national and local security, the harsh lessons of history from ancient times to the present show us that if we do not exercise short leashes and vigilant oversight, our protectors will become our oppressors.
The American Dream or Global Tyranny. One of these will prevail. The other will fade away into the dustbin of history. Your actions today determine which result will prevail.
We believe the American system of government, a constitutional Republic, is the finest ever developed by man.
We believe the traditional moral values of our Judeo-Christian heritage form the cornerstone of western civilization and that the family is the most vital unit of society.
We believe the free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise afford the widest opportunity and highest standard of living for all.
We believe in the dignity of the individual. We welcome people from all ethnic racial and religious backgrounds judging others only by character and ability - as we wish to be judged ourselves - our common bond is a love for liberty and our rejection of totalitarianism under any label.
We believe that individual rights are endowed by our creator, not government; that the government's function should be limited to protecting our right to life, liberty, and property; and that individual rights are inseparably linked to individual responsibility.
The fight continues!
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Yours in Service,
R. Morris Owens, J.D.
Director of Communications for American Republic Policy
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