Consider what WorldAtlas explains about the traditional Minnesota flag’s meaning:
“The design is in a field of blue with the image of the seal in the middle. The seal is surrounded by a white banner forming an outer circle with 19 stars distributed all-round the circle. These stars symbolize the states of the US with Minnesota being the nineteenth state to join the union. On the upper part is the largest star which denotes the North Star and the state of Minnesota. The stars are symbols of being outstanding states.
The images on the seal are a man plowing and an indigenous American Indian on horseback holding an axe and a gun. Images symbolize the rich agricultural potential, the landscape, and the heritage of the early inhabitants. On the background of the seal is a river depicting the importance of Rivers Mississippi and St Anthony to the state. The state tree is captured by the three pine trees on the background. The trees symbolize the timber-rich regions of St. Croix and Lake Superior. The seal is surrounded by the pink lady flower which is the official state flower.”
In addition, not only is there no indication that the flag’s 19th-century creator, Amelia Hyde Center, was any kind of bigot, there’s also speculation her design was inspired by the flags of Minnesota military regiments that fought for the Union in the War Between the States.
Part of the Culture War
Woke thought police such as Walz — and state Representative Mike Freiberg, who sponsored a bill to change the flag — cited politically correct reasons. For example, Freiberg claimed the banner was racist, stating, “It has a very clear connotation.”
Others say he and his fellow travelers have a very clear agenda. Simonian asserts, for instance, that the new flag represents the erasure of history and, in particular, of Indian culture. An Indian-descent Minnesotan she cites, Donna Bergstrom, does say, too, that the change is an “assault” on her heritage.
It’s an assault on far more than that, however. While leftists will often fight to eliminate long-present Indian symbols and imagery, they also do things such as rename Mount McKinley “Denali” (an Indian word). Enemies of the status quo and Year Zero enablers, they always seek to replace “what is” with, very often, “what shouldn’t be” (that is, until they control “what is”).
So what’s actually occurring is a cultural revolution, what Simonian calls a sort of “coup d’etat.” This is the real reason to oppose efforts such as the Minnesota flag change: Far from being isolated incidents, they are fronts in a culture war. It’s statues coming down here, there, and everywhere; buildings renamed; words redefined; traditions overturned; culture upended; and morals obliterated.
So as with any war, it’s not about the small piece of territory one enemy battalion wants at the moment. Relinquishing it won’t appease them. It’s about the territory they’re claiming continually, incrementally, as they author their victory by a thousand cuts.
The end result is that you may wake up one day realizing that before you can even begin to make America great again, you must make America America again. Win the battles or lose the war.
Significant attribution of the above to: Tim Walz Wouldn’t Fight for His Country — He Did Fight Against Its History - The New American
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We believe the American system of government, a constitutional Republic, is the finest ever developed by man.
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We believe in the dignity of the individual. We welcome people from all ethnic racial and religious backgrounds judging others only by character and ability - as we wish to be judged ourselves - our common bond is a love for liberty and our rejection of totalitarianism under any label.
We believe that individual rights are endowed by our creator, not government; that the government's function should be limited to protecting our right to life, liberty, and property; and that individual rights are inseparably linked to individual responsibility.
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