“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point,” Cheatle told ABC News:
“And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”
Video of Crooks in a dash across the roof to get into position disproved the widely ridiculed explanation.
Another embarrassment was the exposure of Cheatle’s focus on hiring women agents. Video of the assassination attempt showed a woman agent who could not holster her pistol. Another danced about, seemingly clueless, while a third fiddled with her sunglasses and adjusted her coat.
Cheatle resigned after a disastrous appearance before the House Oversight Committee.
The Washington Post published another damaging report. The agency repeatedly turned down requests from Trump’s team for more security and exposed him to a similarly dangerous environment at a rally in South Carolina.
As well, GOP Senator Charles Grassley released texts and photos from local police. They showed that cops exchanged photos of Crooks at 5:38 p.m., and a cop spotted him at a picnic table at 4:27 p.m.
GOP Representative Josh Hawley of Missouri revealed information from whistleblowers: Most the agents on Trump’s detail were not Secret Service, but instead those from Homeland Security Investigations.
Secret Service agents encountered Crooks three hours before the assassination when he entered the site with a golf rangefinder, CNN revealed. Even worse, the network reported, countersnipers spotted Crooks as he looked at them through his rangefinder. “They were looking at him while he was looking at them,” a top law enforcement officials told the network.
The bullet from Crooks’s AR-15 grazed Trump’s ear. Crooks murdered firefighter Corey Comperatore, and wounded David Dutch and James Copenhaver. In a strange twist, Copenhaver shot the video of Crooks’s running across the roof that was too steep for agents.
Significant attribution of the above to: Secret Service Broke Into Salon, Permitted Others to Use Bathroom - The New American
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