Senator Fetterman’s housing bill would give FEDGOV authority over your neighborhood
Did you catch that? Suburban neighborhoods are the root cause of ghettos (“under-resourced areas”), but if you move that public housing to upscale neighborhoods, then the inhabitants will have “affordable” housing. (Of course, living in the upscale neighborhood will become “affordable” because home prices will plummet as property values are destroyed.) And the new inhabitants will get “high-paying jobs” by living in these newly constructed communities. Who knew that salaries on the job depended on the type of housing one lived in? And finally, everyone is going to have “healthy and safe communities” simply because of the location.
Let’s get something straight: Ghettos are created because they are run by government bureaucrats who care little about the quality of life there. If the air conditioning stops working, a window is broken, or the land around the building is overgrown with weeds, the bureaucrat still gets paid. (Private property is nearly always better taken care of because its condition affects the value of the property.) To believe that simply moving such a nightmare to a nice neighborhood will fix the problem of poverty is just economic ignorance.
In addition, the Fetterman bill reads, “It is the policy of the United States to provide for fair housing throughout the country, and it is in the regional and national interest to have a supply of housing that is fair, affordable, adequate, and near opportunity.” It goes on to say that any zoning ordinance that restricts housing opportunities based on economic status or income without good reason is “contrary to the regional and national interest.”
Now, under the Fetterman bill, bureaucrats are not planning to just take your home by eminent domain and rebuild the neighborhood. No, that would cause controversy and possibly pushback. They can’t have that opposition blocking their high ideas; it would be too messy. Instead, they will begin a slow and steady movement forward. First, they will begin to promote new building in the neighborhood, perhaps to allow tiny homes to be built in backyards, or apartments over garages. Next will come the promotion of turning some existing housing into rental apartments. Slowly the atmosphere in the neighborhood will begin to change.
Over time, the original residents will begin to sell and leave. Their property will be bought by big developers such as BlackRock who are involved in the reorganization project. The homes will be torn down, and apartment buildings placed on the land. One at a time, the original homes will disappear. Finally, you, too, will have had enough, and you’ll have no choice but to leave. Mission accomplished. Your personal choice, your investment, and your ability to live as you choose for your family will disappear.
Do you want to stop this monster? If so, then the time has come for you, and every homeowner in America, to stand up and say NO! For perhaps the first time in your life, pick up the telephone or send a letter to your U.S. representative and senators and tell them that the Blunt Rochester/Fetterman bills must be thrown in the trash where they belong. Your way of life depends on it.
Significant attribution of the above to: The American Dream or Government Control? - The New American
The American Dream or Global Tyranny. One of these will prevail. The other will fade away into the dustbin of history. Your actions today determine which result will prevail.
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Use these guiding principles to form your team:
We believe the American system of government, a constitutional Republic, is the finest ever developed by man.
We believe the traditional moral values of our Judeo-Christian heritage form the cornerstone of western civilization and that the family is the most vital unit of society.
We believe the free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise afford the widest opportunity and highest standard of living for all.
We believe in the dignity of the individual. We welcome people from all ethnic racial and religious backgrounds judging others only by character and ability - as we wish to be judged ourselves - our common bond is a love for liberty and our rejection of totalitarianism under any label.
We believe that individual rights are endowed by our creator, not government; that the government's function should be limited to protecting our right to life, liberty, and property; and that individual rights are inseparably linked to individual responsibility.
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