Tim Walz Mug Shot
“You could have killed yourself or someone else!”
This pronouncement from the Judge at Tim Walz sentencing for OVI (.128 BAC) and Reckless Driving (96 MPH in a 55 zone) would be a word of caution to most Americans. Tim Walz saw it as more as a “missed opportunity.”
Like a typical self-promoting politician, he just lied about it later. Even stooping so low as to blame his time in the Army to argue that he had never committed any crime at all!
In 2006, during his first run for Congress, Walz’s campaign manager said the candidate’s hearing was to blame for the arrest and that Walz wasn’t drunk, the Post-Bulletin of Rochester reported:
Walz's campaign manager Kerry Greeley didn't dispute that Walz was speeding when he was pulled over that night, but she said Walz was not drunk. She attributed the misunderstanding to Walz's deafness, a condition resulting from his years of serving as an artillerist in the Army National Guard.
“He couldn't understand what the officer was saying to him,” Greeley said.
Despite the 0.128 BAC, Greeley claimed that Walz’s hearing deficit caused balance problems.
For a puff piece in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Walz and his wife, Gwen, said the drunk-driving arrest was a life-changing event.
"You have obligations to people," she told him, the newspaper reported: "You can't make dumb choices."
Continued the Star Tribune:
“It was a gut-check moment, Walz said, an impetus to change his risk-taking ways. He no longer drinks alcohol; today his beverage of choice is a seemingly bottomless can of Diet Mountain Dew. At times, it seems to fuel Walz’s dizzying conversational style, as he moves from education policy to football, words tumbling out like coins from a slot machine.”
Sources close to the situation make it clear that the Diet Mt. Dew can has some added ingredients. “Dizzying conversational style” is code word for sloppy drunk and slurring words.
But for the media running cover for Tim Walz as a result of his being a total wreck of a person. This is in fact why he is ideal for the globalists. They like to have their front people on short chains. If someone even thinks of deviating from their explicit instructions, they can get crushed in an instant.
As Americans, it is well past time we rejected evil in public office.
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