Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
All-Seeing God, we need Your vision in all its clarity and expanse! We need Your attentive hearing and listening in the way we attend to each other. We are so blind and deaf sometimes! We make distinctions among Your children and set up boundaries of injustice. Touch the eyes and ears of our heart. Heal our deafness which blocks out truth and selectively listens. Touch our eyes with streams of living waters so that we see what You see, and look beyond the superficial. Make us a just people who treat and welcome all Your children equally, because they are Your children despite how they look, act, sound or smell to us. We need Your healing touch, Lord Jesus. Touch me! Touch us!
Just as St. Therese made her religious vows to God this day, inspire us to cooperate that Divine Love may impregnate us and our world.
Happy Birthday, Mary, our Mother, our Sister, the glory of our race.