This year I want to be more transparent about the imperfect parts of my world and my business. Here are some areas where I faced challenges and at times, failed. These challenges and failures have shaped my goals for The New Year!
Tax time really hurt for me this year all because of a simple oversight on my part. Thinking I could do it all was a mistake. This year I want to dive deep into the financial side of my business.
I had to rework and sometimes walk away from a project, which I've realised doesn't mean I am not good at the job, but that sometimes, it's just not a professional match...or it's a creative flop!
Thank you to the client who gave me my first 4.5 star Google review - I learned that this is still very good and it was vital for me to keep my perfectionism in check!
That mean little voice in your head - just tell her to "shut up", today and every day. Keep going.
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To each and every one of you,
thank you for being here, even if just for a moment!