Jerry's biggest challenge is being left alone. At nearly a year old, Jerry has never, and I mean never, been left alone. I have been helping him learn that things will be ok if he is alone for a few hours a day.
Here are a few tips to train a young dog to be alone:
1) Build on crate training. When a dog is crate trained, this task is made much easier - build incremental time in the crate first, while you are home before leaving the house altogether.
2) Never force a dog into a crate; encourage them in so they decide to go in by using food or treats.
3) Include a favourite toy; Jerry has two toys that he loves - this helps him self sooth when he can have these in his mouth.
4) Build up time and duration gradually over a two week period; time has seen a huge difference in Jerry's ability to cope with being alone.
5) Jerry is very sensitive to the sounds of people coming and going; keys and doors opening and closing are all cues that trigger Jerry into uncertainty and apprehension about being alone. Leave a radio or the TV on low to mask some of these sounds.
6) When you leave or return, let the dog out of the crate calmly and gently; use a low tone of voice to say "good dog".