With the beginning of 2023 we want to share a renewed resolve to prioritize The Kingdom in all our efforts. This community is an ecclesia that we pray to serve faithfully!
Gospel First
John 3:16 For Elohim so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Research, Study, and Share Truth No Matter What
Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of Elohim to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
No Gossip and Always Stay Humble
Psalms 101:5 Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer.
Support the Orphaned and Widowed
James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before Elohim and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
A Changing Calendar
by Zen Garcia
Hello everyone I hope that life finds you all blessed and of good health and well-being. And even though we know the true Rosh Hashanah and beginning of the Hebrew new year begins in the spring with the sun crossing the vernal equinox, the pagan Gregorian Roman solar calendar has the world convinced that this occurrence happens on January 1 of every year.
The more and more time passes and the more opportunities I have over the years to create our yearly Enochian lunisolar calendar, the more I am learning that even though people have deadlines and try to get projects out at a certain time for a certain purpose, one must remain patient and await the signs in the heavens and on the earth for a surety in how things will truly unfold in regard to the appearance of the waxing crescent and the time of the new Moon.
And because it takes so much effort to organize the calendar and mark daily the changes occurring to the lunar phases so that one can determine when the Sabbath and Festival feast days actually happen, I will no longer be releasing the annual Enochian calendar before the beginning of January’s in the upcoming new year’s. I will wait for the occurrence of the December chodesh before beginning and releasing in publication the new calendar year.
In the last two years I’ve learned that trying to predict beforehand how things will unfold is not only challenging but near impossible. And if I am incorrect, not only do I have to redo the calendar anyways but I have to rerelease an amended update that throws those of you that have the prerelease from the amended timing of the season. And while I am creating the calendar more to be a tool for you to go out and monthly determine the timing of chodesh and when the waxing crescent first makes appearance to set the four then weekly Sabbaths. I want to be as close to correct as possible before releasing the new yearly update and I cannot do that unless I wait for the December chodesh.
It is with such decision that I have decided to revise this year’s 2023 Enochian calendar so that the sabbaths are aligned one day prior to the appearance marked on the previously released calendar. As I explained in show and also emailed out previously, the reason you do not find calendars like this in print most anywhere else is because it is impossible because of the average synodic month equalling 29.541 days, to create a calendar which is simply alternating in 29 and 30 day lunar months.
Eventually you will have a back to back 30 day lunar months, which then onward will skew the appearance of chodesh by a single day and therefore change the timing going forth of the sabbaths and feast days. It is for this reason that we do a yearly and seasonal calendar, adjusting for those occurrences with each new printing so that you can have a tool for watching learning and maintaining the true calendar as it is unfolding in the heavens as set up by Yahuah so very long ago.
So for those of you that have purchased the early calendar, please forgive me as I endure this learning process and know that I am learning myself on how to determine the best possible procedure for going forward to making a product that will bless all of you in maintaining the true calendar. Yahuah bless you and your families going forward in this time and new season. Know that we love you and greatly appreciate your support of our ministry and work.
Natural Flu and Cold Remedies
By Laurel Austin
In this months newsletter I’m going to be sharing some of the natural ways I prevent and treat colds and the flu.
Colloidal Silver
This gem has so many uses to aid in healing and is a powerful antibiotic. You can gargle with a few drops, you can swab the outside of your ears with it. I’ve found that a drop or two will also clear up an eye infection very quickly!
Speaking of ear aches/infection…I have found a option for relieving earaches that often will accompany colds and flu is to soak a cotton-ball with a few drops of basil essential oil and place it just to cover the ear opening..careful not to push the cotton-ball down into your ear. This remedy gave my daughter tremendous relief when we were at Sukkot last year.
Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano is one of natures very best antibiotics. It is very powerful and some caution is advised as it is a very “hot” oil.
There are several different ways you can take this powerful remedy, the key is to always dilute it. I usually add a few drops to a shot glass of kombucha or water. (you will want to start out as a newbie with just one drop until you
become accustomed to it). You can also add to warmed coconut oil for oil pulling.
Speaking of coconut oil….
Coconut oil as a daily or weekly routine is an effective way to help prevent colds and flu as it can rid your mouth of bacteria that will make you sick. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid which has strong antimicrobial and anti viral properties so it’s very good at preventing and fighting the colds and flu.
Elderberry Extract
Elderberry extract boosts the immune system. It’s even more powerful when you combine it with vitamin C
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, ACV is an inexpensive way to treat the colds and flu. Just add a few tablespoons to a cup of warm water, you can also add a squeeze of lemon and drink or gargle with it. Braggs brand is the best I’ve found.
Manuka Honey
Manuka Honey is great for fighting colds and flu due to its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties and there is an amazing drink you can make with Manuka honey, so all you do is: Get a mug of warm water, squeeze a fresh lemon into the mug or add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar,
Then you add a big spoonful of the Manuka honey and stir that in till its completely dissolved. Sprinkle in a bit of cayenne pepper and stir again till dissolved. This mixture can really soothe your throat and help to fight off the flu.
Vitamins and Minerals
The best vitamins and minerals for preventing and healing colds and flus are:
- ~ Vitamin D
- ~ Vitamin C
- ~ Zinc
Sore Throat Relief
I have found that taking a tablespoon of cayenne pepper and mixing it in warm water and gargling with it helps relieve and heal a sore throat. Caution…at first you will feel a burning sensation so it’s not the most pleasant experience so be careful, but you will be amazed at how it can help a sore throat.
You can also gargle with some sea salt or pink himalayan sea salt in water and this will help reduce some of that swelling and pain.
A few other things you can gargle with are:
- Apple Cider Vinegar + Water (filtered)
- Raw Honey + Water (filtered)
- Bee Propolis + Water (filtered)
- Colloidal Silver
Tomato Tea
Tomato Tea is an excellent remedy for congestion! It is basically a mixture of tomato juice, garlic, lemon and hot sauce. This is highly recommended if you are having sinus issues.
Raw Garlic, Ginger and Turmeric are superfoods when combatting the cold and flu, you can chop some up and add to any soup to give your system a boost. Just chop them up, then crush them and make sure you let it stand a few minutes before eating it for full benefits. If you are feeling very adventurous, be sure to try black garlic. Black garlic is garlic that has gone through a fermentation process (and all who know me know I love all things cultured and fermented!) resulting in delicious, sweet, chewy garlic and has been shown to have twice as many antioxidants as fresh garlic so I eat both
as they each have their own benefits.
Ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory and can ease an upset stomach or vomiting if you have the stomach flu. I’ve found the best way to consume it when I’m sick is to make ginger tea. How I make it is to bring some fresh filtered water to a boil in a saucepan, slice up some fresh ginger and boil them for about 20 minutes. Pour in a mug and add some lemon or honey and you have yourself a delicious comforting cup of tea!
Turmeric is another great anti-inflammatory and I also recommend this to bring down swelling in your throat when you’re sick.
My favorite probiotics are cultured and fermented foods. My family regularly consumes cultured vegetables, kimchi, kefir, and kombucha. This practice of consuming these products daily have greatly reduced how often we are sick.
Cultured and fermented foods can:
- Boost the immune system
- Protect against bad bacteria
- Help with digestion
- Produce vitamins/eliminate toxins
Essential Oils
I love using OnGuard by doTerra in my diffuser, on the bottom of my feet, or mixed with filtered water in a spray bottle as a surface cleaner for kitchen countertops and bathroom surfaces.
Some of the best essential oils to use when sick are:
- Peppermint
- Lavender
- Oregano
- Clove
- Cinnamon
- Tea Tree
- Geranium
- Thyme
- Lemon
- Ecalyptus
Stay in your bed and rest. This gives your body time to heal. Be sure to keep hydrated as well.
These are just some of the things I use to keep myself and my family healthy.
One saying those that practice holistic healing have…”flu doesn’t have a season”.
I hope these can benefit you and your family, let me know your favorites that you practice!
May good health and love surround you all this year!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These are suggestions and are not claiming to prevent, diagnose, cure or treat any disease.
A Fire in More Than our Hearts
by Naogang Jacob
Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
- James 2:5
This month marks two years since, with The Help of Yah, we secured four acres of land on the outskirts of Lahe Village in Myanmar for the Endeavor Freedom Orphanage. There has been SO many developments and projects and successful mission trips launched from this home, and we thank you for your partnership in enabling the progress of this little camp for The Kingdom.
In the last 30 days we have toiled continually on the battlefield to win souls for The Messiah, and one story must be brought to the forefront. This past July, we shared how a Buddhist village nearby had burned down, leaving the native people without their shabby huts and humble storehouses. After sharing many supplies and much comfort though it was a grueling 10 hour trek through the mountain jungles, the chief of the suffering village was intrigued to find such charity in the hearts of the Christian missionaries launched from our home. He welcomed them back to bring the first "Christmas" to his village, and we obliged kindly, excited for the opportunity to bring the Gospel of Salvation to the Buddhists. Now, I know and have been told plainly, that many people look down upon this because it was under the pretext of what people know as a Pagan holiday. Yet, I'm pressed
to remind everyone of our duty to share the Gospel, as it is written in Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!" With a pure heart, we set out for this journey, to bring earthly and spiritual sustenance to the hopeless, and I'm glad to report the success of this journey.
The men and women, donned in the new clothing you helped supply, humbly closed their eyes for the first time to pray to The One True Creator, their Savior, and revival has come to an unreached land. Though persecution is sure to follow those who have accepted The Messiah as their Lord, let's pray their faith will not waiver for earthly securities, and that they will rest assured in the Inheritance purchased by our Lord and Savior Yahusha.
This is one of the many amazing things you've helped us achieve, and we will not cease to give thanks for The Help of The Most High. Please follow along the Endeavor Freedom Facebook page for more updates from all of the programs you help to support.
Please remember that 10% of all proceeds at SWP go to the orphanages we support, and you can make direct contributions via our non-profit organization, Endeavor Freedom, where 100% of the donations we receive are forwarded to the orphanages.
Much love and many blessings,
Justin James Garcia
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