The trees are beginning their travels to dormancy as the winter approaches. Cool breezes disperse the summer heat, and we're in the beautiful grasp of autumn's wonderful artwork. To celebrate our Creator's amazing handiwork, we're offering 15% off all books this month!
It is in this book that I source specifically the concept that Yahushua, the Word, Logos, and what the Targum calls, the Memra of the Lord; had always been part of the Godhead and was recognized in antiquity by the Israelites and Jews to be their prophesied Savior Messiah. Another less known aspect of who they worshiped in Godhead, is that the Hebrews also considered the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit to be she identified in Proverbs as equal part of the sacred Trinity. In this two book series, I affirm that the ancient Israelites worshiped and honored a triune Godhead which included Yahuah as the Father, Yahushua as the Son, and the Ruach Ha-Kodesh as the Mother Spirit. It is an immutable fact that the Godhead together is the unit, the human family was created to resemble in Genesis 1:26.
We must examine common traditions to see if they have been kept pure. When taking a closer look at Christian church's Sunday school classes, sermons, Bible study groups, and prayer meetings as well as Jewish traditions and ones adopted by Messianic groups, we must ask ourselves, are these simply the doctrines of man, or are they founded on Truth? (200 pages)
Publishing 'The Earth Not a Globe Review' has long been a dream project of mine. Lifting it out of the past and onto the page however was no easy task. It took an editing partnership and weeks of meticulous work. And so, I am pleased to say that ‘The Earth Not a Globe Review’ is completed for your research and reading pleasure. And from what I can tell, for the first time in history, some 130 years after the fact. If you're unaware of the publication, The Earth Not a Globe Review was a flat earth based paper sponsored by Lady Elizabeth Blount and the British Zetetics, the very same researchers who sponsored the Bedford Canal experiments. The first edition contains the original eight issues, released between 1893 and 1894, totaling 300 pages. (304 pages)
In 321 AD, Constantine declared “dies solis” as the day of worship throughout the Roman Empire; and later that century, Hillel II fixed the Hebrew Sabbath to Saturn’s day on the planetary week. From that time forward, mainstream Christians have been keeping Sunday as their day of worship, while the Jews and Seventh-day Adventists observe Saturday as their Sabbath. But what was the Calendar system the Biblical Patriarchs followed? And when is the true Biblical Hebrew Sabbath if it pre-dates the fixed 7-day planetary week and solar calendar established by Julius Caesar in the 1st century BC? Join me on a journey through history to uncover what really happened and the changes that were made which have led mainstream Christians and Jews into blind error about the true Biblical Sabbath and Divine Calendar to this very day. “He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the appointed times and laws.” - Daniel 7:25
On May 26-28 2023, Sacred Word Revealed comes to Atlanta, Georgia purposed to unveil mysteries of the ancient past, tying esoteric understanding with modern theology. We look forward to fellowshipping and diving deep into the mysteries wit
My Two Book Set on the The Feminine Holy Spirit and the Triune Godhead
By Zen Garcia
As for wisdom, what she is, and how she came up, I will tell you, and will not hide mysteries from you: but will seek her out from the beginning of her nativity, and bring the knowledge of her into light, and will not pass over the truth. – Wisdom of Solomon
It seems that this topic, for whatever reason, has been coming to the forefront of consideration in the Christian alternative truth movement. Many people are now considering the topic as it has for whatever reason caused a schism within the community of believers. Why, I don’t understand but it is what it is. Even my good friend and co-host Rob Skiba decided to investigate the issue and to come out publicly on what he thought of the topic of the Holy Spirit being feminine.
His article follows this one, for those of you that are interested in reading it. I thought it to be most excellently written and prepared. Those of you who read it with an open mind, should be able to utilize it as foundation for deciding one’s personal stance on this topic.
Having been a while since I shared an article and because I have not covered thoroughly this issue within the scope of the books that I’ve recently published, I thought I would expound upon this seemingly controversial topic. And even though I have not written an entire book on the issue yet, I have covered it extensively in two of my books, the Ancient Prophecies of Christ and the Great Contest I: War in Heaven. The Ancient Prophecies of Christ I released together with a companion book called the Testaments of the Patriarchs and the Prophets and both sources thoroughly that the ancient Israelites actually revered a triune Godhead which included the feminine Holy Spirit.
It is in this book that I share specifically the concept that Yahushua, the Word, Logos, and what the Targum calls, the Memra of the Lord; had always been part of the Godhead and was recognized in antiquity by the Israelites and Jews to be their prophesied Savior Messiah. Another less known aspect of who they worshiped in Godhead, is that the Hebrews also considered the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit to be she identified in Proverbs as equal part of the sacred Trinity.
Understanding the statement to be extremely controversial, let me reiterate that yes, I am affirming within this article that the ancient Israelites worshiped and honored a triune Godhead which included Yahuah as the Father, Yahushua as the Son, and the Ruach Ha-Kodesh as the Mother Spirit. It is a fact that the immutable Godhead together resembled in unit, the human family created in Genesis 1:26.
Many of you may think me insane for affirming such precedent or that I’m making all this up, however when deeply considered it makes much more sense than the idea that the Godhead is homosexually male in character. And the reason I released the Testaments of the Patriarchs and the Prophets together with the Ancient Prophecies of Christ, was to share in accompaniment many of the sources which verified this knowledge from the voices of our forebearers. The compilation of the Testaments of the Patriarchs and the Prophets contain numerous little recognized manuscripts which most people being unfamiliar, have never heard about, or had chance to read. Because of this, few realize what beliefs the predecessors of what came to be modern Christianity, actually held in high regard.
Passed down from Adam to Mosheh, these teachings verify that the ancient Hebrews were not actually monotheists but rather revered a Godhead which was triune in aspect. While individually embodied and singular in perspective, this Godhead was still viewed collectively as unit. It is for this reason that even the word Trinity, breaks down as the prefix – tri meaning three and as the noun – unity meaning one. Combined these segments form in principle the idea of the Godhead being triune in aspect, the Holy Trinity.
Endeavor Freedom Orphanage
By Justin Garcia
Economic oppression has driven its roots deep into every society now, and the elite have taken no mercy on the less fortunate. The value of the currency in Myanmar has begun to crash amidst the militaristic rule, and the price of necessities is skyrocketing. This has taken a large toll on the progress we've ambitiously begun, and we've started halting further development to ensure the basic needs of the children and staff are met.
We kindly request for your continued prayers over the orphanage home, and if you've been moved to help fund the growth of this Tree planted for The Kingdom, please consider donating at the link below. Also please know that 10% of all proceeds from Sacred Word Publishing goes to support the Endeavor Freedom Orphanage Home. Blessings
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