¡Hola, Advisors!
We know you're extremely excited about your Advisor Update email today and it will be coming your way at noon CT! In the meantime, we have OTHER exciting news that you're going to love!
We just passed the halfway point to qualify for ANY Tier of the Advisor Escape, which means… it’s time to celebrate! And, it’s time to make this trip even sunnier and give you more to spend in Puerto Vallarta, with the… DOUBLE YOUR CASH promotion!
You are rocking it with your sales and Beginner Classes, and with 5-½ months to go for Escape qualification, this is the BEST time to welcome all the new team members you need to achieve your Advisor Escape.
When your new team members join by Aug. 31, you’ll have the rest of the year to help your new Advisors get started on their own Beginner Classes and learn how to make the most of launches and promotions so they reach Level 2 and beyond. AND you’ll be flying high with DOUBLE the cash to spend!
How the Your Double Cash Promotion Works:
When you welcome your New Advisors by Aug. 31, you’ll get DOUBLE the cash stipend to cover anything you wish to make the most of your time in Puerto Vallarta, offset any expenses like airfare, buy gifts… whatever you like!
Sun-Sational: Get your 10 new team members by Aug. 31 and DOUBLE YOUR CASH from $1,500 to $3,000!
Sun-Sational Mentor: You and your 5 Downlines get your 4 new team members by Aug. 31 and DOUBLE YOUR CASH from $1,500 to $3,000!
Sun Chaser: Get your 8 new team members by Aug. 31 and DOUBLE YOUR CASH from $1,000 to $2,000!
Sun Riser: Get your 4 new team members by Aug. 31 and DOUBLE YOUR CASH from $500 to $1,000!
Wild Card: Get your 1 new team member by Aug. 31 and DOUBLE YOUR CASH from $250 to $500! (Must be 1 of 20 Advisors to earn.)
Example: Sarah is going for Sun-Sational. She currently has six new team members. When she sponsors four between now and Aug. 31, she will DOUBLE her cash and qualify for a $3,000 stipend. She then has until Jan. 2, 2024, to coach her new team members to Level 2 and complete the other Sun-Sational qualifications.
Note: Anyone who has already sponsored their new team members to meet their goal tier level will receive the doubled stipend when they complete the other tier requirements by the end of the qualification period.
You'll find a Rules appendix for the Double Cash promotion on the landing page, and will want to note that the Rules have been updated with this addition to the New Team Members to Level 2 section: “If you have someone interested in joining your team who has not been an Advisor in the past two years, contact Coach@CreativeMemories.com to discuss how they may count toward your points.”
We’re Here to Help you Achieve Your Dream Trip
Coming your way next week… NEW Creative Memories Advisor Advantage Calls!
We want to help you make the most of your Escape with a double stipend! So for the next six weeks, we’ll be offering calls to help potential new Advisors learn why this is a great time to join CM. CEO Alison Dutton and Advisor Success Coach Diane Lampert will be hosting weekly Advisor Advantage Calls on Thursdays at 8pm CT starting July 20 and running to Aug. 24. Anyone who is considering becoming an Advisor is welcome to join one or more of these interactive sessions to learn more about CM's Advisor community, earnings plan, unique products, the Escape and more! Feel free to share the link. One RSVP will allow them to attend one or more sessions and Zoom will send reminders.
NEW “Create the Best” Series
Also starting next week and running for six weeks is a new Create the Best Series to help you achieve the DOUBLE YOUR CASH promotion and identify the leads to invite to the Advisor Advantage Calls! Join Advisor Community Manager Amber Klimek at 11am CT each Thursday — RSVP below for all sessions!
Achieve Wild Card Status to Secure Your Escape to Paradise Collection!
The gorgeous, exclusive Escape to Paradise product collection ($100+ U.S. value) is FREE to ALL Advisors who reach Wild Card status and higher. We’re excited because the more Advisors who reach Wild Card, the more exclusive product collections we get to award!
Tip: If you’re just getting started, the “Learn How to Earn the Advisor Escape” My Course will help you achieve whatever Escape Tier you are set on with its step-by-step training. You can reach it from the main page of your Advisor HQ. Email us at Coach@CreativeMemories.com for help finding the course if you need it!
When you attend future Escape webinars you’ll also get to see as each of the gray pieces are revealed!
Let’s look at these first-to-be-revealed Escape to Paradise products!
Escape to Paradise Embellishments (16/pk)
Palm Tree Recipe Template in EXCLUSIVE Island Waters Color Imagine how amazing your two-page sunset spreads will look when you use this template!
Claim Your Exclusive Advisor Escape-Inspired Vinyl Sticker
Did you miss the deadline to get this awesome Sunglasses Vinyl Sticker? No need to fret — we’ve extended the deadline so one can be yours!
All you need to do is update your Escape tracker with your June numbers, take a pic of it and submit it using the link below by July 20 noon CT.
Can’t recall how to find your June numbers? Here is a link to the July 7 webinar to see how.
If you haven’t yet started a tracker, now’s your chance! In this video, Marnie shows you how to find the tracker for your country and where to find your numbers so you can update it through June. When complete, submit a photo to the form above by the deadline to get your exclusive sticker! (And hint: Sunglasses is the first sticker in a series; there are more to come!)
We are SO excited to see YOU in Puerto Vallarta in April 2024! Imagine how gorgeous your photos will look against the Escape to Paradise collection!