Reminder for Advisors for VC Facebook Group Posts
The Home Office Team is thrilled with all of you who have been working your business on social media, starting your own Facebook Groups and YouTube channels and getting yourself out there meeting new people while nurturing your existing customer base!
As you know, the Virtual Crop Facebook Group community has grown to 33K+ members — including Advisors and customers! Because this group also includes customers, we want to give a friendly reminder to Advisors about Group Rule 5 with regard to “self-promotion”:
What’s Allowed:
Posting layouts for the Virtual Crop Challenges and Pop-up Challenges
Sharing your Completed Album Challenge videos
Sharing a video of how you created a page or did a technique that others are asking to see (Note: Please upload your video directly to the group rather than a link to your video on your blog, website or YouTube channel)
Sharing project ideas that don’t include any form of self-promotion
Commenting on group members’ posts/answering their questions without any form of self-promotion
Giving layout credit to those who supplied the original idea
Posts That Are Not Allowed:
Promoting your business social channels:
Sharing or tagging your business Facebook pages or Instagram accounts
Sharing links to your own YouTube channel or videos
Sharing a post from your business Facebook profile into the Virtual Crop Group
Sharing a post with your personal Advisor URL
Encouraging group members to follow you or find you
Sharing layout images/videos with your business watermark
Promoting personal Advisor events
If a group member is asking how they can find an Advisor, Advisors cannot comment or message the member with their personal information to try and gain a customer. The group member must be directed to use the “Advisor Search” feature on the website.
The Virtual Crop Facebook Group is a place for sharing ideas, creativity and being a supportive community member. We ask that when posting, you refrain from any self-promotion — we will be deleting these types of posts. Thanks for your cooperation!