Dear Advisors,
In December, we experienced severe website ordering issues during high-traffic launch days, and we promised to keep you updated on the steps we were taking. We’re happy to announce that to smooth the launch day ordering experience, our IT Team has added the Queue-It system to the website.
Queue-It is a tool that we will turn on during high-traffic product and promo launch days. Queue-It creates a virtual “line” where site visitors are shown a waiting time, which estimates when they may enter the website. You may have experienced a similar queue system on other websites such as when purchasing concert tickets. It is a commonly used tool for websites that have lots of visitors looking to make a purchase during concentrated times.
We would like to invite Advisors to experience the Queue-It system first, before next Monday’s mid-month launch. So we will be turning the Queue-It system on tomorrow (Jan. 11) starting with the pre-queue at 11:30am CT and offering an Advisor-only special on Wednesday, Jan. 11, beginning at noon CT. During that time, the team will be moving the queue slowly so that you can experience how Queue-It works. Anyone visiting the website on Wednesday will see the queue, including customers.
National Sticker Day is this Friday and as a way of celebrating, we’re going to give the first 500 Advisors who place an order on Wednesday starting at noon CT a free pack of our Good Eats & Treats Stickers (3/pk) shown below. This special offer is for Advisors only and is limited to a quantity of one per Advisor. If you are not one of the Advisors to get this offer, you can rest assured that these stickers will go for sale to both Advisors and customers (along with the Digital Elements) on Monday, Jan. 16, at noon CT with the other launch items.
You are, of course, welcome to join us on Wednesday to check out the Queue-It system without placing an order.