Hello Advisors,
We're writing to you today to give you advance notice about a refresh to December Deals. The “while supplies last” dynamic of December Deals products was intended to be fun — “What might I be able to get with this new release?” “What great deals might I be able to score?” Instead of creating excitement, the site issues we've been seeing with high volumes* occurred again, resulting in frustration. Based on feedback from the first release, for the second we removed the limits/order and four of the six items sold out quickly.
For this next (& final) release, we are going to:
Move the Monday, Dec. 12, December Deals products to Friday, Dec. 9, at noon CT.
Make all December Deals additions Advisor Exclusives. This may not change some selling out quickly, but there will be a limit of 5/order.
We have changed up the website banners to remove the mention of new products dropping.
The only products now launching on Monday, Dec. 12, will be the two Advisor-Only January Preview Boxes, which you can preview during the unboxing webinar Thursday) at 7pm CT — RSVP here — and Advisor orders that include either of the two boxes Dec. 12-16 will get free shipping.
*If you missed Mark and Alison's letter about systems issues, you can find it here.
What will be launching Friday?