Did you see? More Dream Team yard signs have arrived! Congratulations to everyone who has received one! When you get yours, please post a photo of you with your sign in the Advisor Group so we can help you celebrate!
The qualification period for getting your name on the CM Dream Team Bag ended on Oct. 31, so if you achieved it, now is the time to earn the CM Dream Team Bag FREE when your new Advisor(s)* are at Level 2 at end-of-day (11:59pm CT) on Dec. 31, 2022! Advisors who earn the bag will receive it in January 2023 as an Advisor Achievement. We're looking forward to seeing how you help your team grow!
*Note: “New Advisor” refers to Advisors signing up for the first time. Returning or reactivating Advisors do not count as a new Advisor. To be included in the final counts to earn the Dream Team Bag and/or the Minnesota trip, new Advisors will need to be at Level 2 at end-of-day (11:59pm CT) on Dec. 31, 2022.